

So, since I no longer work at a desk for 40+ hours a week, I spend a lot less time on the computer and therefore have less time to do useless things with my time, like blog on a consistent basis. However, I still have lots of stuff to share, and right now making playlists is both calming to do after work and also really awesome because I am able to make these widgets and then play them again and again. Plus, Grooveshark has been struggling with legality issues to provide a Grooveshark app for the IPhone (they had one, it was removed, etc), but once they do, I'm so excited to bring these songs on the go! Anyways, that's the explanation for the change from the once sarcastic fashion picture blog to these playlists. That's my story and I'm probably not going to stick to it, but for now, it's all you get.

Living Room Slow Dancing

These songs remind me of candlelight, moving rugs, and bare feet. More importantly, however, this playlist is syncing up nicely with the end of the Gossip Girl episode on tonight. So, enjoy these sexy groove tunes. Soon to follow: Country Love, Night Moves, and Sous Chef.


Lover's Quarrel Playlist

This playlist is pretty indie, I guess. Most are lovey, and then I threw in some quarrel songs, because otherwise it would be much too sappy for me to listen to during studying/cleaning/cooking.

I have to admit, though, I still have yet to tire of the Sara B. playlist. This one is slowly catching on, but I can put Sara on even when I'm pushing through a workout (which is within the first 12 minutes of getting on the treadmill). I've always had unusual workout jams anyways- I remember this time last year I was getting my run on to Missy Higgins. For anyone who knows/loves Missy, you know she's not really in the workout genre. I think lyrics just motivate me more than beats (and always have), and the stronger/deeper/more relatable to me at the time a song is, the harder I'll work to it.

So, without further ado, The Lover's Quarrel playlist.

sidenote: all of these may be updated in the future as I find more songs that fit the bill.