So here we have a nice little fashion duo for the front office. Both Mimz and Leigh (our new intern- we're looking for a nickname- leave some ideas!) are looking classy and clean in their casual outfits. We have some great office fashion do's and don't's coming at you!
Special Edition: Young Professional Females
Today at work the Military is coming in to discuss contracts and marketing and other really important agenda items (that Lindsey and I aren't part of in any way). We had to "dress up", which at our office usually means putting on some sassy Old Navy flip flops or running a brush through your hair at least once. However, Mimz figured it was her time to shine as the face of the company, so she grabbed her favorite (only?) pair of black dress pants with the special hole in the hip and got ready for a full 8 hours of fashion...
mental health,
see you next tuesday,
the office,
It's Raining Men-
There's a new dating site,, based loosely on and music tastes. You either enter in some of your favorite bands/artists/genres or you just put in your username and bing bang boom- you're sitting in your living room listening to Steely Dan, eating a buffalo chicken wrap, with the man/woman of your dreams. Wait, that isn't everyone's dream?
So of course I just signed up for yesterday! Coincidentally I find this new dating site today? I doubt this is the internet telling me I need a boyfriend, but if it is, touche, world wide web. Anyways, I put in my username, and here are my really attractive, intelligent, perfect matches:

Thanks guys! I mean, I know I just started and I've been listening to crappy music for the past twelve hours, but at least try to set me up with the awkward guy who also likes Taylor Swift! Also, what's with the picture- am I that desperate that I'm going to have a breakdown when you can't find me love? Anyways. Based on this site, it looks like I'll just be crushing buffalo chicken and Regina Spektor alone forever. Or I can just trick everyone by adding my dream man's playlist to my track list and watch love blossom. Actually, I'm going to do just that. Let the (music) games begin.
Sorry, we couldn't find you any matches
Thanks guys! I mean, I know I just started and I've been listening to crappy music for the past twelve hours, but at least try to set me up with the awkward guy who also likes Taylor Swift! Also, what's with the picture- am I that desperate that I'm going to have a breakdown when you can't find me love? Anyways. Based on this site, it looks like I'll just be crushing buffalo chicken and Regina Spektor alone forever. Or I can just trick everyone by adding my dream man's playlist to my track list and watch love blossom. Actually, I'm going to do just that. Let the (music) games begin.
A Bathroom Vacation
This is not the first time that Watson's home has undergone such an incredible metamorphosis. In 2004, a framed painting of two deer instantly turned the family den into a rustic hunting lodge, while in 2005, the corner of the living room became an old English cottage after a porcelain tea set and a vase with dried flowers were added to an end table.
Casual Fridays- Wednesday Edition
Since I've missed the past few Fridays, and one of our CF girls will be out this Friday, we're doing a Wednesday edition!
casual fridays,
mental health,
the office
Home Sweet Home...Apartment?
Here's a quick little (poor quality) photo tour of my new digs.
Welcome to the living room. Here is where you can watch my small, non-HDTV television that has RCN basic cable. This is the Charles Shaw of living rooms- cheap, easy, and when you don't think about it too much, it's actually pretty great.
Next we'll move into the bathroom. I didn't take a picture of the inside of the shower, but it was built for midgets. The showerhead reaches my chin, so I have to pull some serious yoga moves to wash my hair. It got me a monthly discount on rent, though, so it's all good. I would say this is the Busch Lite of bathrooms- not perfect, but with enough effort, it gets the job done. Oh, and p.s. the bathroom is tiled pink...score!
Kate Spade is having an amazing Sample Sale- up to 75% off! All you have to do is enter your first name, email, and zip code. Best part? ALL shipping is $5! I'm definitely going to have to treat myself to a new summer clutch! SALE SALE SALE
What I should be saving for is a new laptop, since I currently have to use a usb-connected keyboard because my "x" key is broken and makes my typing seem like it's coming from some type of porn star. has some great electronic coupon codes, but I think this Kate Spade sale is going to trump any laptop purchases.
What I should be saving for is a new laptop, since I currently have to use a usb-connected keyboard because my "x" key is broken and makes my typing seem like it's coming from some type of porn star. has some great electronic coupon codes, but I think this Kate Spade sale is going to trump any laptop purchases.
Mimz Tuesdays
Since Casual Fridays has actually become a hit at the office, I decided to extend my creativity (and office down-time) to create a weekly blog entry that will feature the one and only Lindsey "Mimz" Tremaine. Her fashion sense has always been out of this world, and every Tuesday we'll be featuring a new, modern, completely trendy and inspired office outfit! Our office fits under "casual", but often we take it one step further and just really go all out with what we like to call the "super casual/borderline shabby" look. It's totally new for 2010, and since I don't have anyone who actually reads this, I know we won't be influencing any real fashion trends. See you next Tuesday for part 2!


This is a transformation of the traditional "tank and jeans" look, making it incredibly appropriate for an office setting. Instead of wearing the cardigan as an actual cover-up, Mimz just twisted it and tied it around her stomach, eliminating any slimming qualities and keeping her self-tied straps in the back visible. The comb-over gives Mimz a professional look that still says "I treat every Tuesday like a Saturday night".
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